14 Classic Movies Featuring Cocktails

We love old movies at The Capital Q. Suspense, drama, comical miscues, adventure, mysteries, we're in the mood for all of it. Whatever the format, somehow these situations are improved by well-dressed men and women in interesting surroundings drinking cocktails, champagne and other delights. Perhaps "The African Queen" is the exception, in that the only cocktail is bottles and bottles of gin.  Here are a few of our favorites, in no particular order.

If you don't want to purchase the physical movies above (e.g., DVD format, etc.), head to Amazon Prime Video and rent or buy them. If you don't have Amazon Prime video, click the button for a 30-day free trial (although you may still have to pay to rent or buy the above movies).

If you click and buy any of these products, The Capital Q will earn a small commission as part of its participation in amazon's Associates program. No pressure, though. Seeing Cary Grant play the Orange Game in "Charade" is reward enough.

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