About Us

Just as a bud break on a weathered vine represents the potential of good things to come, The Capital Q exists to give you some ideas for how to spend time with friends and family. It's been our experience that this time is improved by good food, good wine and spirits, pre-and-post event cigars, and enjoyed in well-outfitted surroundings. We're going to cover things we enjoy (or looks like we would).

You may have noticed that our tag line is, "Advices for minor vices." Rolls off the tongue, doesn't it? It hopefully captures the way many of us go through life: with an appreciation of finer things but without taking things too seriously (or snobbishly).

Now, bonafides: this site is conceived, designed, written and maintained by a 25-year veteran of the advertising business and 13-year veteran of the sport of rugby. He knows a thing or two about entertaining.

A Few Points of Business

We may occasionally allow thoughtful advertisements and/or sponsored posts and you may be enticed to click off our site to either get more information or buy products. This is how we're able to be kept in stockings and gin, as it were. We will make an obvious distinction between an advertisement and our content. We will also disclose our relationship with products that may pay us a small commission if you buy them. Under no circumstances will we accept free product or payment for an undisclosed recommendation.


Bud break on vine